
Friday, June 22, 2018

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Technology - Google News

Chevy brings back the Blazer, aims for Jeep Grand Cherokee

Posted: 22 Jun 2018 06:48 AM PDT

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Google turns on 'Continued Conversation' in the Google Assistant

Posted: 21 Jun 2018 08:13 AM PDT

Among the ways that Google is trying to make interactions with the Assistant more natural is enabling follow-up questions and interactions without injecting “Hey Google” each time. At Google’s developer conference in May, the company announced a new feature called “Continued Conversation.”

Continued Conversation, which is launching today in the US, allows users to have “a natural back-and-forth conversation” with the device without using the wake word trigger each time. The company says this has been one of its top requests from users. Amazon launched something similar, called “Follow-up Mode,” in March.

It appears that users will be able to keep asking or talking with the Assistant for an extended period as long as there isn’t an extended pause. It’s not entirely clear how many follow-ups you can ask.

Google also says that the Assistant will recognize when you’re talking to it versus someone else such as a family member in the same room. The company says Continued Conversation will be available on Google Home, Google Home Mini and Google Home Max (but it doesn’t appear it’s available yet for Android handsets).

In order to use the new feature, as with Alexa’s Follow-up Mode, users have to enable it. It’s not on by default. To enable the feature, go to Settings → Preferences → Continued Conversation to enable.

You can end Continued Conversation by saying “stop” or “thank you” or by simply discontinuing the conversation. However, the initial invocation of Google Assistant still requires an “OK Google” or “Hey Google.”

The discussion of Continued Conversation in the Google I/O keynote begins at 22:34.

About The Author

Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land. He writes a personal blog, Screenwerk, about connecting the dots between digital media and real-world consumer behavior. He is also VP of Strategy and Insights for the Local Search Association. Follow him on Twitter or find him at Google+.

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Fortnite: Hungry Gnomes Locations; Search Between Bear, Crater, Refrigerator (Week 8 Challenges)

Posted: 22 Jun 2018 07:10 AM PDT

As the end of Fortnite Season 4 draws near, Week 8 challenges are now available for players to tackle, provided they've purchased the Season 4 Battle Pass. There are a variety of tasks for Battle Royale players to complete on PC, PS4, Xbox One, mobile, and (as of E3) Nintendo Switch, including Hungry Gnomes and searching between a bear, crater, and refrigerator shipment. Here's where to find the locations of the key challenges and how to complete them all.

First up is one that asks you to search Hungry Gnomes. This is as simple as approaching one of these gnomes and searching it in the same way you'd open a chest, but it of course involves tracking them down first. You need to search seven in all, and luckily, there are many more than that on the map; however, there's no in-game indication of where you should begin your hunt. The one bit of help you do receive is a telltale noise the gnomes make when one is nearby, as it says "yummy yummy" in an odd voice. Among the locations where you'll find gnomes:

  • arena east of Junk Junction
  • Greasy Grove
  • Lucky Landing
  • Retail Row
  • Risky Reels
  • Tilted Towers
  • Tomato Town

Week 8's other more difficult challenge is one that's labeled as Hard by Epic. It asks you to search between a Bear, Crater, and a Refrigerator Shipment. As always, that's the only clue you get--you'll need to know the map well if you hope to do it on your own. In this case, the location you want to head to is just on the border of the I6 and I7 zones, southeast of Retail Row. The Battle Star you have to collect can be found just north of a house next to a gas station, as pictured below.

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The remainder of Week 8 is fairly straightforward, though that doesn't necessarily make all of it easy. Search chests in Salty Springs is as simple as repeatedly landing there at the start of a match and grinding your way to the seven you need--be sure to head for rooftops so you can easily check attics. If you're hoping to do the related challenge, search seven chests in a single match, you'll want to avoid Salty Springs--other players are likely to be swarming the area in search of chests. Instead, your best bet is to head far away from the Battle Bus's flight path and avoid conflict at all costs.

Another challenge has you deal 250 headshot damage to opponents; just do your best to aim high, and you can grind your way to this one. Likewise, you can get three suppressed weapon eliminations by just getting your hands on one and using it at every opportunity. And again, that's true of eliminating three opponents in Pleasant Park--start enough matches there, luck into a weapon before someone else, and you should be able to take care of it without too much trouble. For both of the elimination challenges, your best bet is to attempt this in a solo playlist, so that you can avoid dealing with revives.

If you're looking to complete older challenges, check out our complete Season 4 challenge guide. Doing these allows you to rank up your Battle Pass, unlocking new skins and other rewards.

Fortnite Season 4, Week 8 Challenges

  • Deal Headshot Damage to opponents (250) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search Chests in Salty Springs (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search 7 Chests in a single match (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search Hungry Gnomes (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Search between a Bear, Crater, and a Refrigerator Shipment -- 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Suppressed Weapon eliminations (3) -- 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Eliminate opponents in Pleasant Park (3) -- 10 Battle Stars

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