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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Essential Things The Game Doesn't Tell You Straight Away - GameSpot

Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has a lot of moving parts and, as such, carefully dishes out information as and when it's necessary. But if you're familiar with the franchise, or RPGs as a whole, there may be specific things you're looking for from the outset. As a result, you'll probably be asking a lot of questions long before the game is ready to give you answers. We don't want you sweating the small stuff instead of enjoying FF7, so here's a bunch of spoiler-free heads-ups that'll save you a bit of stress.

For more guides, check out our feature highlighting some essential tips to know as you play the game, as well as our PSA on why you shouldn't skip side missions. Otherwise, you can read our FF7 Remake review.

What Moogle Medals Are For

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Around Midgar you'll often find destructible boxes, and you should make a point of smashing them. Firstly, because they're puny and pathetic little wooden constructs that deserve to be crushed under the might of Cloud's buster sword, but also because they can sometimes recover your MP and drop potions or antidotes. More importantly, they reward you with an item called Moogle Medals.

You start getting Moogle Medals from the outset of the game, and you may find yourself scratching your head trying to figure out what to do with them. The game doesn't actually tell you what they're good for straight away, but don't worry, a few chapters in, you'll meet a character who will swap Moogle Medals for some special items.

We won't spoil who this character is because, honestly, it's an absolute delight, but we will say that you'll come across the merchant in a side-quest. If you read our review, you'll know that side-quests are well worth doing for their story and characterization contributions, but if you need more convincing, this is it. So, make sure to do them, kupo!

How You Get More Summons

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Whether it's Guardian Forces, Aeons, or Espers, calling on gods and mythical beings to fight by your side is a key part of the Final Fantasy experience. You could do this in the original FF7 and, of course, you can also do it in the Remake. However, it can be easy to miss the detail on how exactly you acquire these summons, especially since it's very different from the original and other entries in the franchise.

The first is part of the main story, as a character will gift you the Materia item that houses the beast--there's no missing it. However, from that point on, things get a bit trickier. The next one you'll get is in Chapter 6. You'll spot the red Materia next to a big fan, but it's maddeningly out of reach. Don't worry about it, you'll get there eventually. Continue on with the main mission and you'll be able to use a lift to approach a ladder to the left hand side of the giant fans and grab it. Just make sure you don't leave the area without getting it.

The rest of the summons are tied to a character you'll meet shortly after. His name is Chadley, which, according to Urban Dictionary, is a name given to "a made-up boyfriend, often used to deceive others into thinking that you have a boyfriend so they will stop questioning you or making jokes about you."

Anyway, this strange mashup of Chad and Bradley presents you with the opportunity to fight for summons' allegiance. You may find that the first summon he pits you against is tricky, but don't stress about trying to defeat it then and there; you'll see Chadley a lot and you can take on the fight when you're feeling a little more levelled up.

Further summons become available to battle by completing the little Battle Intel challenges that Chadley sets you. There are a total of five summons in the game and we won't spoil which ones, and although there is a sixth, it's exclusive to a premium version of the game, which is a bit rubbish if you ask me but whatever.

How Joint Materia Work (For You FF7 Newbies)

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Materia gives your characters a wealth of abilities to work with in battle. These range from the ability to cast fire, ice, wind, and lightning spells, manipulate time, create shells to protect allies, and restore their health. There are also a few that will grant you incredibly useful benefits that may not initially be clear. This is because they require a very specific setup before they actually take effect.

The biggest of these is Elemental, which will make it hurt much less when the enemy sets your ass on fire, tries to freeze you to death, or pulls some other magical nonsense to put an end to your adventure. Weapons and armor feature sockets that you place Materia into and there are two variants of sockets: single, isolated ones and joint ones. If you get a piece of armor with a joint slot and put the Elemental materia into one of those slots, the armor will give you resistance for the type of Materia you attach to it in the second slot.

For example, if you have one slot with Elemental and it's attached to another slot with Fire equipped, any time an enemy tries to set you ablaze, the damage taken from the fire attack will be halved. As the game progresses, enemies become very aggressive and can bust out high-damage spells, so this is essential to know. Alternatively, if you slot it into a joint slot on a weapon, your attacks will be imbued with that element.

The Magnify materia works in the same way, except instead granting you resistance, it casts the attached spell to multiple targets. So, if you have Magnify attached to the healing materia, it will cure multiple characters instead of just one. It also works the same way for offensive spells, but it's important to note that the primary target receives the bulk of the damage, and those around them get a reduced amount. Again, this is super useful, but you only really learn this information through experimentation.

The Importantance Of Spell Timing

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Like the last few mainline entries in the series, FF7 Remake is a far more active and dynamic game when it comes to combat. Unlike the old days, when characters were rooted in position and would be forced to watch in horror as the enemy unleashed ridiculous attacks and killed their friends around them, characters in the Remake can run rings around their enemies if they choose to.

However, that also means that the hit and miss system is a little more dynamic. Although the Remake doesn't make a big deal about it, opting to let you learn through experience, it's actually really easy to fire off a spell and completely whiff it. Timing is key in Remake's combat model, so you need to watch your enemies closely and use spells when they aren't wildly darting around the battlefield, so that you can be sure that it'll travel and land properly.

Another major consideration that will force you to be careful with the timing of attacks is that an enemy can interrupt you. If you're casting a spell and the startup animation is long, your opponent could fire off a quicker attack and stuff whatever you're doing. Given that you're spending precious resources to use your special abilities, getting mugged off like this will hurt your HP and your ego.

Even worse is if you poorly time one of Tifa's specials or Cloud's Limit Break and the enemy is just out of reach, in which case watching them just nonchalantly walk away from your badass, super damaging, cinematic super move will make you question whether you're cut out for this mission at all. Pick your moments!

How To Really Punish With Punisher Mode

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Alright, time for a few quick tips. These will be simple, but they're crucial to know and can be either missed or not properly understood. Cloud's unique ability is Punisher mode, which gives him quicker, more powerful attacks but with mobility as the trade-off. The other thing that the Punisher mode allows you to do is respond to an incoming melee attack with a counter. So, if you're facing an enemy that is getting all up in your extremely gelled pointy blond hair and trying to slap you about, activate that Punisher mode and start blocking to show them what happens when they try to mess with a former-SOLDIER with pencil-thin arms that can still haul around a sword the size of a camper van.

How Tempest Works (Not Like The Shakespeare Play)

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Aeirth's unique ability is called Tempest. She fires a crystal at her target that can be charged up for a more powerful effect. However, it's pretty tricky to use as it has some situational application. This is because the crystal actually takes a bit of time to do its thing after Aerith sends it out.

When you hit triangle, the crystal travels to the target point and, if it connects, it will do a small amount of damage. Then it takes a couple of seconds to build some power and explodes, dishing out damage to whoever and whatever is hanging around. It's more of an area-of-effect spell than a direct attack thing, so you'll need to plan carefully when using it. The longer you hold the triangle button down, the more powerful the explosion will be when it happens.

The best times to use this is when you've hit an enemy with a spell that locks down their movement, they've been staggered and thus are unable to get out of the way, or are being absolutely pummelled by one of your teammates and thus can't do anything but take your deadly crystals to the face.

The True Reward Of Weapon Proficiency

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At the start of the game, your party members have limited access to weapons, however, you'll eventually be able to purchase new ones or find them in the world. Each one has a cool look and can be levelled up to become a devastating tool of destruction, as well as bolster your character's core attributes. Another major addition each offers is a new combat ability.

Each weapon has a special action that you can execute when it is equipped. However, if you look at it on the weapon select menu, you'll notice there's a little bar that shows your proficiency in its special action. As you put the weapon to use, that bar will fill and, eventually, the associated character will gain that ability, which can be used whether or not you have the weapon equipped.

That proficiency bar fills up really slowly, but if you pay attention to the little bit of text below the bar, it'll tell you how you can speed up the process. Trust me when I say it's worth spending a bit of time grinding whenever you get a new weapon so you can max out that bar as quickly as possible. You'll want to do it with random enemy mobs that you're familiar with, as you'll need to switch to the specific character you're working on to fulfill the objective and it's easier if you know there won't be any surprises.

Some weapons are designed to present a different style of play for the associated user, and this style may not vibe with the way you want to play them, so it's best to earn your proficiency in low-stakes battles. You don't want to be facing a boss with weapons that don't let you play your characters the way you've specced them out to be.

There's A New Game Plus Of Sorts

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As previously mentioned in this article, and in the FF7 Remake review, you should do all the side-quests you can. They enhance the story and often give you some valuable items. However, if you'd rather focus on getting the main campaign finished, but don't want to miss out on anything, you'll be happy to hear that you can come back and tie up loose ends.

FF7 has a new game plus of sorts. It's actually a chapter select that pops up after you've completed the story and lets you drop in and out of different parts of the game while keeping your experience, items, and loadouts. The thing to know, however, is that you'll start at the beginning of the chapter, so you may need to spend a bit of time replaying chunks to get to the bit you need.

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Now Playing: 8 Things Final Fantasy 7 Remake Doesn't Tell You (Right Away)

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Next Galaxy Buds could feature noise cancelling to rival AirPods Pro - TechRadar

Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

The successor earbuds to the Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus could get a long-awaited perk – noise cancelling – and launch alongside the anticipated Samsung Galaxy Note 20

That's according to a new report out of Korea, which also supports the claims that the new name will be the Galaxy Buds...Beans. Why? If you caught the recent leak that revealed renders of the new look, the answer is obvious: they've been redesigned to look like little beans, and seem to tuck away inside the ear canal. 

Samsung Beans

(Image credit: WinFuture / @rqaundt)

Noise cancelling would put these Galaxy Buds on more even footing with the Apple AirPods Pro, which launched in late 2019 with the sound-dampening tech to much fanfare. The Galaxy Buds Plus, on the other hand, launched in early 2020 alongside the Samsung Galaxy S20 series...but noticeably without noise cancelling. 

That leak revealed the Beans will be 28mm long, but this new report alleges they'll be 13mm wide, and the case containing them will be 26mm thick. Each earbud will pack two speakers and three microphones apiece, yet will allegedly retain the 11-hour battery life managed by the Galaxy Buds Plus.

There's a price leak, too – but treat with skepticism

While these leaks are the earliest reports about these new earbuds, and should thus be taken with a grain of salt, we're most skeptical about the alleged price. The report alleges the Beans will be set at 170,000 won, which is about $140 (around £141 / AU$221). Considering the Galaxy Buds Plus were priced at 179,000 won / $149.99 / £159 / AU$299, we doubt hits will be the final price of the Beans.

There are a couple other notes in the leak – namely, that Samsung may further reduce the alleged current dimensions of the Beans to improve their fit. But with a product in such early stages, we expect it might change before we finally see it in real life.

Via Android Central

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